Friday, August 31, 2007

... when two or three are gathered ...

my apologies to that (biblical?) line about gathering in the name of the Lord. That's the first thing that came to mind after I took this picture of PD cab (or tricycle) drivers gathering in one place and get busy with something. In this case, they have gathered at the parking area of UCPB. This scene is also familiar in other areas like the driveway leading to the Calbayog District Hospital, the turo-turo stalls near Pilot School and especially under the shade of that big tree near the Centennial Pastoral Center.

So, what are they meeting (or gathering) for? Certainly not to pray, but to do their favorite pastime: to play kara-kara or cara y cruz. You take it from there.

... my Princess

What is a picture of Princess Diana doing in my blog?

My apologies, but I can't let this day pass without paying tribute to Princess Diana. Okey, there are more people out there who deserve a tribute. Pagbigyan nyo na ko. I can't believe it, I've got at least six books about her and a countless number of magazines (thanks to tita Freda) and yup, including that much coveted July 1997 issue of Vanity Fair mag with her on the cover.

I came across a Time Magazine tribute about her. Check this link.

And the CNN special. Here's the link.

And they still included her in the Royal Family's website?

Thursday, August 30, 2007

... patron na

Patron Na! Yup the novena masses have started and streamers are all over the place. In case you'd be interested, the most colorful ones are these Hadang Festival streamers that they installed at the Cardinal Rosales Plaza just today.

And, in addition to the usual baratillo, the vendors are also busy doing their jobs. A few hours ago I came across some balloon (or is it inflated toys?) vendors and surely their wares looked so colorful.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


I thought yesterday was a holiday. Well, it was a kinda loaded day for me and the people at the City Arts and Culture Office. First I delivered a lecture on ushering and a little bit on personality and social graces to the some CKSP scholars. It was followed by a meeting at the Cathedral for the Fiesta (Pontifical) Mass. Then it was time for the final rehearsal for the HADANG 2007 Opening Ceremonies.

The Park was kinda crowded and the participants were quite in top shape. May I share with you some pictures which Annalee Balane took during the rehearsal.

sprucing up Nijaga Park

I was at Nijaga Park last Sunday to check on some stuff at the City Arts and Culture Office. The place was kinda crowded (consindering it was midday).

I saw some kids take time to play at the swing and slide at the back of the Rizal Monument . . .

. . . as workers take time to paint the benches and lamposts in the park

Monday, August 27, 2007

more than just scholars

The MSS Scholarship grantees went to work yesterday. Some were busy cleaning the City Hall Driveway while others took time to repaint the City Hall Stage railings.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

the donation boxes

For the past few weeks, parishioners of Our Lady's Nativity Parish saw these donation boxes installed at the Cathedral entrances. It is part of the effort of the parish to raise funds for its new project: the proposed Calbayog City Catholic Cemetery. The said project has an estimated inderect cost of Php 7,221,501.85. For other details about the project, please check this link.

As of today the fund raised amounted to something like 47,000 pesos plus.

garastusan na liwat

Streamers like this one are all over the city, together with the usual ones announcing what's showing in the local moviehouse (yes they still do that) and the promo in local extablishments. Well, what can I say? "garastuhan na liwat!" :-)

Friday, August 24, 2007

the last tsar

The history buff in me made me buy another book for my collection, it's The Last Tsar by Edvard Radzinsky.

A few minutes ago I was surfing the net after doing some emails and checking GSIS loans applications. I came across a yahoo news item about the mystery of the Last Tzar's family being solved (almost).

If you're interested (I hope you'll be), do check this link.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

there goes the candles trees

... well, not exactly the whole tree (or trees for the matter). It's still part of the sprucing up of the City Hall. It turned out they trimmed the upper parts of these trees which were planted in front of the City Hall at the time when the rage (or is it craze?) was the candle tree, or the Indian tree (whatever).

Work is also being done at magsaysay Boulevard. I'll keep you posted.

... and some streets too

yup, they are also "sprucing up" some of the city streets. Well, some workers are repainting the pedestrian lanes in various areas of the city. This one is at Gomez Street near the Rosales Bridge which many generations of Calbayognonos refer to as bag-o nga tulay.

The City Hall gets spruced up

Some workers have been quite busy at the City Hall, the City Hall Stage area to be exact. They are sprucing up the area. It's part of theLGU's beautification efforts. I have attached below some pictures of the work being done in front of the City Hall.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

when the lights went off

The lights went off early this evening. I was driving around when it happened. So what is one to do during a power failure in Calbayog? I thought it was an opportunity to see how Calbayog is on a powerless night (What's that again? It sounded like it's very seldom that the city gets hit by power failure :-) . Seriously, if I may inform you, the City Mayor has been making kulit the guys at Transco regarding their project in Carayman. And yes, why do we refer to power failure as brownout?) Anyway, with my old mobile phone in hand, I decided to take pictures of establishments that remained lit during the power failure. Here's what I got:

That's Caltex gas station in Obrero


Mercury Drug at Gomez Street

Rose Pharmacy

The best view of them all, OLPHI along Magsaysay Boulevard

Sunday, August 12, 2007

images from my old hometown

Hi there! Sorry for not giving you any updates about Calbayog. I've been kinda busy the past few days. Earlier today, I was at the Consolatrix Monastery and along the way, I came across a "scene" or should I say sight which should be familiar with every Calbayognon. If you think it's about houses, old people or traditions, think again. It's about a familiar activity come rice harvest season.

These images were shot in front of a hospital. Of course I'm pretty sure that it was not the hospital management that did it. Anyway, it was the kariton parked next to a "no-parking sign" which first caught my attention, and lo and behold then did i realize that they still do it, I mean dry palay on the street, or on the side of the national higway as the case maybe.

So, what am I up to this time? La lang. Don't take it seriously, just wanna share with you the lighter side of Calbayog. Some may frown on this, but I believe images of palay laid out on a banig and put to dry on the streets are among the fond memories many Calbayognons have of their old hometown.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Happy Birthday Mayor Mel Sarmiento

Today this blogsite takes time to greet Mayor MEL SENEN SARMIENTO Happy 45th Birthday!

Monday, August 6, 2007

the Cocopeat Bio-Filter Wastewater Treatment Project

From this:

to this:

And finally, this:

You were looking at sample of treated water collected from the Septic Tank somewhere in SOS Village Calbayog where the experimental Cocopeat Bio-Filter Wastewater Treatment Project has been installed. Said sample (or the third bttle) of water was odor-free and safe enough to be used in watering plants, car wash or the toilet flush.

It is one of the projects under the Local Initiative for Affordable Wastewater Management (LINAW) Program, a joint undertaking of LGU Calbayog and USAID. The lead agency for this program is the City Engineer's Office which is headed by Engr. Oscar Hugo.

The cocopeat bio-filter at SOS Children's Village. The water sprouting comes straight from the spetic tank and passes through the cocopead material designed to treat wastewater.

Mayor Mel Sarmiento checking on the treated wastewater collected from the bio-filter facility

The LINAW secretariat members checking on the bio-filter facility

Other details of the project can be had from the LINAW Secretariat c/o Senisa Tarrayo or Ashley AlbaƱa of the City Engineer's Office, Calbayog City